Tuition fee €5,538 per year

*KTU offers partial tuition fee waivers for the candidates with outstanding results

Application fee €100 one-time

Payable within 2 weeks from the application submission by transferring it to the KTU bank account. Non-refundable. Bank details will be provided during application.

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Today, the need to save energy is common knowledge. But how could we improve the existing technologies to make energy consumption more efficient? How to reduce energy prices making the goods and services more affordable? How to ensure access to energy to all the people without harming the environment? While studying MSc Energy Technologies and Economics at KTU you will analyse similar dilemmas and gain the skills and knowledge needed to tackle the most pressing problems of the contemporary world.

During your studies, you will learn to develop complex, more efficient energy systems, you will gain interdisciplinary knowledge on energy production, distribution, economics, development of the energy sector. Through research projects, you will learn how to make economically sound engineering decisions and to be able to effectively solve various problems in the energy sector. The knowledge gained in the master’s Energy Technologies and Economics study programme will help you address long-term energy development planning, regulation challenges. Your studies will equip you with risk and need forecasting skills, and competencies to reach informed and creative solutions to the problems of the energy sector.

The comprehensive interdisciplinary knowledge of the technologies and economics of energy generation, transmission, distribution, and effective use make the graduates of this study programme a valuable asset to any company in the energy sector. The professionals, who can control electrical power engineering objects and reach economically reasonable engineering solutions, who can conduct research and provide solutions for sustainable development of electric power industry are in high demand in the global job market.

  • A unique programme for future managers in the energy sector: you will acquire not only technological but also economics education
  • Access to the labs with the latest equipment, such as the largest in the Eastern Europe renewable resources lab or Bloomberg Financial Markets Lab


The unique programme for the future managers of energy sector:

  • Modern globalisation and competition processes and changes in the energy markets require a complex attitude to power engineering as one of the main engines of economic growth. Having selected this programme, the students will acquire not only technological, but also specific knowledge of economics that is necessary for the sustainable development of power engineering.

This programme educates the specialists who are able to critically evaluate, analyse, develop, and form the future of energy sector:

  • After completing the studies, the students receive expert knowledge of energy systems, renewable power engineering and advantageous technology management fields and are able to model and determine the relation between different energy elements, market capital and distribution of financial resources when seeking for sustainable development of power engineering sector.

Such specialists are highly demanded on the labour market and, according to the predictions, this demand will not decrease for the coming decades:

  • According to the National Energy Independence Strategy, the demand for electricity in our country will grow despite the increasing consumption effectiveness, i.e. in the final energy consumption, the share of electricity will increase from 15% (2009) to ~50% (2050). In order to ensure sustainable development of the sector, it will require talented managers characterised by strategic approach to the control of energy sector organisations. The graduates of this study programme will acquire all the skills that are necessary to access the management positions of this type.

Modern well-developed laboratory base:

  • The faculty provides an opportunity to conduct energy calculations, provides energy technology of renewable sources and Bloomberg laboratory; therefore, the students will be able to successfully apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice.

Professional lecturers who have built extensive practical experience:

  • The lectures are delivered to the students by the guest lecturers who have long-term experience in the energy sector, for example, A. Vaišnorienė (Advisor of Electricity Division of the National Commission for Energy Control and Prices), V. Miškinis (Manager of the Laboratory of Complex Energy Researches of the Lithuanian Institute of Energy), G. Radvila (Director of System Control Department at LITGDRID), etc.

Discover Europe with Erasmus+:

  • Choose from a variety of European cities for your Erasmus+ studies. Experience diverse cultures, languages, and academic environments while gaining invaluable international experience. Seize the opportunity to broaden your horizons and make unforgettable memories with Erasmus+.

Career opportunities

Student’s competences:

  • Knowledge of sustainable energy technologies, investment, planning and effective management processes.
  • Application of operational principles of the energy resources market, critical assessment of interconnections between management and regulation of energy resources markets and energy policy.
  • Planning of effective, safe and reliable electrical energy systems.
  • Application of economically substantiated engineering solutions and solving of quantitative problems of the market of energy resources.

Student’s skills:

  • Able to integrate knowledge of technologies and economy science, and plan and manage complex energy systems.
  • Able to critically analyse the issues of energy generation, environmental protection and economy relevant to the society.
  • Able to apply economic operational principles of energy sector and specifics of formulation of financial solutions.
  • Able to solve practical and scientific problems in sustainable energy development.

You may become:

  • Project manager;
  • Senior specialist at state institutions;
  • Manager of state institutions and private energy companies.
Apply now! Fall semester 2025/26
Application deadline
1 Jun 2025, 23:59:59
Eastern European Time
Studies commence
1 Sept 2025
Apply now! Fall semester 2025/26
Application deadline
1 Jun 2025, 23:59:59
Eastern European Time
Studies commence
1 Sept 2025