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MScArtificial Intelligence in Computer Science

Tuition fee €5,538 per year

*KTU offers partial tuition fee waivers for the candidates with outstanding results

Application fee €100 one-time

Payable within 2 weeks from the application submission by transferring it to the KTU bank account. Non-refundable. Bank details will be provided during application.

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The field of Artificial Intelligence and Informatics is undergoing highly dynamic development. KTU MSc Informatics study programme is designed to convey the competences for the students needed to actively contribute to the process of improvement and innovation.

At KTU, you will study cloud computing, modern artificial intelligence methods and techniques, data analysis, project management, virtual reality and 3D modelling and will learn how these techniques can be applied to the development of the final IT product. From the first semester of study, students are given the opportunity to specialize in a narrower field of study, thus acquiring the competence of an expert in the field of Image Synthesis and Analysis or Distributed and Mobile Computing.

Our graduates not only have deeper knowledge in the fields of Applied Informatics and Artificial Intelligence, but also are able to take decisions and independently perform scientific research, develop new, intelligent IT solutions, plan and coordinate work of IT specialists and lead the development of IT projects.


Studies through a blended learning approach using distance learning technologies:

  • During the studies, academic classes take place in the evenings on working days, all theoretical and most practical classes take place remotely, exams are held at the University, in exceptional cases – remotely.

Opportunities to get involved in the project activities, to carry out scientific practice or apply for Erasmus + studies in the best universities of Europe:

  • During the studies, special attention is paid to practical research problems and tasks in the field of applied informatics and artificial intelligence. This is implemented both during the study subjects and in the 3rd semester by collaborating with university research groups and business companies through research practice or applied research project activities.
  • KTU participates in Erasmus+ programme and is a member of ECIU university. It means that part of your study activities can be carried out as Erasmus + studies in the best universities of Europe.

Research and development of artificial intelligence:

  • KTU is renowned for research and development of artificial intelligence, IT for modelling and simulation led by research leaders prof. R. Barauskas, assoc. prof. A. Paulauskaitė-Tarasevičienė and others.


  • A unique to Lithuania MA+ study model allows students either to aim for excellence in a chosen speciality field or to strengthen their interdisciplinary competencies by choosing different elective study paths (18 credits).These can be studies in Business, Data Security, Project Management or other study field.

Baltic IT hub:

  • Outstanding links with local industry for cooperative placement, collaborative research and employment: Lithuania and Kaunas are called Baltic IT hub. It brings wide career opportunities in Lithuania as well as in the whole Baltic region.

Programme structure

Broader knowledge of the formation of systems’ mathematical models
Models and algorithms of physically based behaviour
Algorithms and data structures in computational geometry
Approximation and visualisation of 3D objects

Ability to apply contemporary methods to calculations in multimedia, integrating knowledge of informatics
Models and algorithms of physically based behaviour
Virtual reality modelling
Approximation and visualisation of 3D objects

Broader knowledge in theory of artificial intellect
Multimedia data mining
Virtual reality modelling

Ability to evaluate qualitative parameters of IT-based systems and their need in the market
Content broadcasting systems

Career opportunities

Knowledge and skills acquired during studies will allow:

  • Design informatics models (including AI-based as well) for analysis and improvement of IT and multimedia systems, business processes and software systems;
  • Design network, multimedia or other IT services, complex Internet and multimedia systems;
  • Plan and coordinate works of the group of specialists in designing and realisation of IT projects;
  • Individually set tasks of IT team management, IT system design and scientific tasks for himself/herself and solve them;
  • Plan and conduct experiments and calculations of informatics, analyse and summarise their results;
  • Conduct synthesis of different research results, make conclusions;
  • Able to conduct synthesis of different research results, make conclusions.

You may become:

  • IT systems architect;
  • IT project manager;
  • Systems analyst;
  • Scientist-researcher.
Apply now! Fall semester 2025/26
Application deadline
1 Jun 2025, 23:59:59
Eastern European Time
Studies commence
1 Sept 2025
Apply now! Fall semester 2025/26
Application deadline
1 Jun 2025, 23:59:59
Eastern European Time
Studies commence
1 Sept 2025