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BScMaterials Physics and Nanotechnologies

Tuition fee €4,108 per year

*KTU offers partial tuition fee waivers for the candidates with outstanding results

Application fee €100 one-time

Payable within 2 weeks from the application submission by transferring it to the KTU bank account. Non-refundable. Bank details will be provided during application.

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Combining atoms and molecules to create new materials is an exciting occupation full of creative possibilities. Novel medicines, clean energy, contemporary electronic gadgets, and innovative solutions for building structures and transport – the application and demand for new materials is growing every day.

At KTU, the students of the unique bi-disciplinary Materials Physics and Nanotechnologies bachelor’s study programme get strong education within physics, chemistry and mathematics, combined with courses in materials science that are oriented towards technology.

KTU’s membership in international organisations, such as Inter-Academia, Federation of European Materials Society, Physics and Chemistry of Advanced Materials, the visiting professors from the world’s best universities, such as Stanford University, Shizuoka University, Tokyo Institute of Technology ensure that the competences of the graduates meet and exceed the expectations of industry and business.

Bachelor of Technological and Physical Sciences in Materials Physics and Nanotechnologies acquired at KTU is a testimony of an investigative, introspective and curious personality whose methodical, rational and analytical mindset can fuel innovation in various fields.

• State-of-the-art research facilities of KTU Santaka Valley available for students
• Possibilities of carrying out research with internationally renowned research groups
• Talented students can join an advanced study path of KTU GIFTed Community


Bidirectional studies:

  • As the program emphasizes science, mathematics and technologies, students are well prepared to pursue graduate work in either technological field or physics. Interdisciplinary areas in physical and technological sciences such as novel advanced materials, materials for energy, biomolecular materials, macromolecules, quantum mechanics to devices, surfaces, interfaces, and nanostructures, and computation promise to become increasingly relevant in the twenty-first century.

Visiting professors and experts from industry:

  • Visiting professors from Stanford University, University of Southern Denmark, Tokyo Institute of Technology and experts from industry organize international seminars and workshops to be in touch with global scientific solutions.

Modern and advanced equipment:

  • Besides training laboratories at the faculty, the latest and most advanced equipment installed in KTU science and business valley “Santaka“ is used during the study process.

Growing demand for specialists worldwide:

  • Researches show that in year 2025 the demand for specialists with multidisciplinary knowledge and skills will grow up to 25% in Lithuania, whereas 3,6 million jobs will be created in EU.

Product and service development:

  • Are you interested in creating real products and services while studying? It is now possible to test yourself by getting involved in a product development project (PDP). During the project, you will work in teams, collaborating with KTU researchers and social partners. While solving current, relevant problems you will improve your teamwork, project management, and problem-solving skills, deepen professional knowledge and expand your career opportunities.

Discover Europe with Erasmus+:

  • Choose from a variety of European cities for your Erasmus+ studies. Experience diverse cultures, languages, and academic environments while gaining invaluable international experience. Seize the opportunity to broaden your horizons and make unforgettable memories with Erasmus+.

Programme structure

Classical Mechanics
Thermodinamics and Statistical Physics
Solid State Physics
Nuclear and Particle Physics

Physics of Materials
Organic Chemistry
Polymer Materials and Technologies
Fundamentals of Electronics
Magnetic Materials

Nanostructures and Nanomaterials
Phenomena of Modern Optics and Nanophotonics
Micro- and Nanotechnologies
Functional Materials and Nanotechnologies

Fundamentals of Objects Programming
Computer-aided Design 1
Theory of Probability and Statistics
Semester Project

Career opportunities

Student’s competences:

  • Is competent to apply, knows and understand the main physical and chemical phenomena, their concepts, fundamentals of engineering, electrotechnics and electronics, as well as theoretical mechanics, numerical methods, mathematical concepts and principles, understands problems of application of mathematical methods.
  • Has learned the main modern methods of physical and chemical analysis applied in materials science and nanotechnologies.
  • Is competent to apply modern micro and nano technologies and instruments, functional (optical, electrical, magnetic) materials used, micro and nano structures, and their development, production, application and quality assessment / or biomaterials, their technologies, human’s physiological systems, biomedical and ultrasonic systems, devices and their development, production, application and quality assessment (respectively, according to the chosen speciality).
  • Is competent to critically assess information, results of his/her activities, professional innovations, participate in discussion and improve his/her activities, present and transfer knowledge and understanding of studies and chosen activities to specialists and non-specialists.

Student’s skills:

  • Able to combine theoretical and applied knowledge while solving technological problems, forecast, select or develop materials with optimal properties for various engineering purposes, select and adapt appropriate technological methods for modelling, analysis in solving of engineering problems.
  • Able to apply analytical, mathematical and other methods for modelling and forecast of material properties.
  • Able to learn material analysis methods, select required technological and material analysis equipment, work with modern technological and material analysis equipment, analyse and interpret analysis results, apply standard research methods.
  • Able to use information technologies and basic software, apply and use numerical computer methods for solving of specific problems of materials science and nano technologies.
  • Able to work in interdisciplinary team, generate new ideas, can acquire deeper understanding of provided arguments, able to organise professional activities, plan time and resources, knows project management and business aspects.

You may become:

  • Technology and production engineer;
  • Physical science and engineering specialist;
  • Physicist and astronomer;
  • Specialist of physical sciences.
Apply now! Fall semester 2025/26
Application deadline
1 Jun 2025, 23:59:59
Eastern European Time
Studies commence
1 Sept 2025
Apply now! Fall semester 2025/26
Application deadline
1 Jun 2025, 23:59:59
Eastern European Time
Studies commence
1 Sept 2025