Hacker Games at KTU Santaka Valley. 41 projects in 48 hours

Photo illustrating the news item

More than 250 engineers, software developers, designers, marketers and business developers were competing at the Hacker Games hackathon at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) Santaka Valley last weekend. It was the first Hacker Games hackathon with a designated hardware track and the largest event of a kind in Lithuania over the past few years.

Three KTU teams were highly successful in the Hardware Track. The team CleverFrost made up from mainly students from Electrical and Electronics Engineering Faculty designed a device that monitors the temperature of drinks inside a fridge and notifies a user via wifi/web app/mobile app when the desired temperature is reached.

Read more: ktu.edu/en/newitem/hacker-games-ktu-santaka-valley-41-projects-48-hours

15 Mar 2016