Fresh out of KTU. Student’s from Turkey first breath of fresh air in Kaunas

Photo illustrating the news item

Eylül Güleryüz’s passion for technology and creativity brought her from Turkey’s largest city, Istanbul, to almost 34 times smaller Kaunas, Lithuania. She got her bachelor’s from Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) and plans to continue her education here. “I study Informatics, or should I say, studied?” says Eylül with a smile.

A fresh-out-of-KTU graduate remembers that her journey into informatics wasn’t a straightforward one. Initially, in high school, she dreamed of studying animation. However, as she delved deeper into her interests, Eylül realized that her true passion lays in the broader area of computer science.

The design of KTU website helped to make a final decision

“I love this field because it allows me to create something new daily and solve complex problems. Each task challenges me to approach everything from different angles and come up with creative solutions,” she adds.

When she discovered that KTU offered a programme in Informatics along with BA+ competencies in design, such a combination of modules felt like a perfect fit. “I realised that this is how I want to channel my creativity,” says Eylül.

Another factor that solidified her choice to study in Lithuania was KTU’s modern and stylish website. “It might sound trivial, but a well-designed web page can make a significant positive impression, especially compared to other tech universities with outdated sites,” explains Eylül.

Looking ahead, Eylül plans to continue her studies with a Master’s in Artificial Intelligence in Computer Science at KTU. “Currently, I have a part-time job in the AI field, and I’m excited about transitioning to a full-time position someday,” says the recent graduate. With her sights set on further academic and professional achievements, Eylül says she is ready to embrace the next chapter in Lithuania.

Still admires the calmness and cleanness of Kaunas

Reflecting on her first impressions of her study destination Kaunas, young specialist Eylül says: “The clean, fresh air as I stepped off the plane made me feel like I was breathing for the first time”.

She adds that the calmness of Kaunas was a strong contrast to Istanbul, where the buildings are tall, and everyone is in a rush. This new chapter of life helped her to get the tranquillity she had longed for.

The difference between the two countries in human interactions was another notable aspect: “Coming from a Mediterranean country, I was used to people chit-chatting and talking to strangers. In Lithuania, it was different – everybody is in their zone, and I initially felt confused about how to behave”.

Soon, she learned to appreciate and started to love the way things are done here. “Now I feel more comfortable interacting with people in Lithuania than I did back in Turkey”, says a KTU alumna.

Over time, Eylül’s appreciation for Kaunas only deepened. “The calmness and cleanliness of Kaunas is something I still admire every day. I’ve explored many beautiful forests, lakes, and trails during my four years here, with many more still to discover,” she shares.

Want to find out more, what is studying at KTU like? Eylül is a Study@KTU Ambassador. Chat with her about anything, related to studies and university life.

16 Jul 2024