New to KTU? Tips for your successful transition to studying in Lithuania

Photo illustrating the news item

Studying abroad provides a unique opportunity for academic growth and cultural exploration but despite the excitement, transitioning and leaving home can still be overwhelming. “Preparing thoroughly before your arrival can make all the difference,” says Audronė Račkauskienė, a Head of the International Studies Office at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU).

As autumn approaches, Račkauskienė provides insights to ease concerns and ensure international students approach their transition to Lithuania with confidence. “Embrace the unknown, and make the most of every opportunity,” she says and encourages newly arriving KTU international students to be open-minded and curious. According to her, that is when the best things happen.

Essential preparations before the trip

As Audronė Račkauskienė emphasises, researching your destination is a fundamental step. “Before you go abroad to study, take the time to research your destination thoroughly. Get to know the local culture, habits, traditions, and environmental conditions,” she advises. This preparation helps you navigate daily life and adapt more quickly to your new surroundings.

Equally important is to plan your finances. “Make a budget that includes tuition fees, accommodation, living costs, and additional expenses such as travel and leisure activities,” Račkauskienė suggests.

Creating a comprehensive budget will help you manage your expenses and avoid financial surprises. KTU offers resources to estimate the cost of living in Kaunas and explore available scholarships, which can be invaluable in planning your finances.

Securing health insurance is another crucial element of the preparation. “Take out health insurance for the entire duration of your studies,” Račkauskienė suggests. This ensures you have coverage for any health-related issues that may arise while you are abroad.

Finally, it is important to think about academic expectations at your chosen university. “Every university has its academic standards, so get to know your university and its organisation of studies,” Račkauskienė advises. Familiarising yourself with the study programme, requirements, and assessment systems will help you achieve academic luck.

Emotional readiness for life in Lithuania

While we often pay emphasis to physical preparation for relocation, emotional preparation is equally important. Moving to a new country can be exciting, but it can also bring about feelings of anxiety and homesickness.

Račkauskienė advises students to maintain regular contact with family and friends to help ease these feelings. “Keeping in touch with loved ones through social networks, video calls, or text messages can be a great way to feel closer to home,” she notes.

Building connections in your new environment is another important step. “When you arrive, get to know other international students, as they are going through a similar experience as you,” says a Head of International Studies Office at KTU. Participating in community events, engaging in sports, or even cooking for yourself and your dorm neighbours are simple yet effective ways to foster a sense of belonging.

For those struggling with stress or anxiety, KTU offers free psychological counselling. “Don’t be shy to take advantage of this help if you are stressed or anxious,” the expert encourages. The university also plans to introduce Mental Wellbeing training for new international students, an initiative aimed at supporting emotional health during this transitional period.

KTU Welcome Week for a smooth start

Engaging in introduction activities, such as Welcome Week, can further support the transition by providing insights into university life and academic practices.

“Every new start can be worrying, especially when there is a lack of information about what lies ahead. Therefore, during the Welcome Week, before the start of the study process, students are introduced to the KTU environment and spaces, presented with the main IT systems used, activities students are offered to get involved in, and what events await them,” says Kristina Skučienė, the Director of the KTU Student Affairs Department.

This year’s Welcome Week Where Dreams Take Flight will take place from 26 to 31 August.

On 26 August, Welcome Week kicks off with a dormitory picnic, where first-year students will have the opportunity to get to know the KTU dormitories, their rules, and residents better. Later, throughout the week, new students will have the opportunity to take part in various activities including live music, 80s-inspired roller-skating, orienteering, and more.

Probably the most awaited event of this week will be the freshmen christening From Zero to Hero, which will take place on 30 August.

There are certain ways to feel more at ease after coming to KTU from your home country, and as Račkauskienė highlights, all you need to do is prepare, pay attention, and participate.

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26 Aug 2024